Hino Sunsets

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the sunsets in Hinoba-an, as seen from Happy Valley Beach, are lovely. Well, this is rather disingenuous really, lovely being a gross understatement.

Hinoba-an sunsets are spectacular—at once intense and sublime. Nature offers them up in an unobstructed 180-degree panorama with crystal visibility and soul-stirring drama. The late sun ablaze in a kaleidoscopic sky, rushing towards, touching, sinking into, then finally disappearing beyond the horizon.

Here are a few pictures with source acknowledgments. Noteworthy is that none of these were shot with a dSLR. Our contributors are casual photographers largely bereft of any advanced technical know-how (no aspersions intended, quite the contrary kudos to all); their cameras undoubtedly set on snapshot/auto mode.  ‘Inspired’ is certainly a befitting way of describing these gems: 


Paulina Garcia Espanola

Hino Sunset 4 A

Dinny Bilbao

Acid Sunset

Luis Beltran

Hino Sunset 7

Luis Beltran

Sunset 9

Gina Gallegos

Hino Sunset 3

Jamie Uy Bico

Hino Sunset

Jon Inyaki Beltran

Sunset on the beach

Clairli Lacson

Sunset 9Ann Marie ‘Chinggay’ Garcia
Sunset TDon Ernesto Bilbao


Manang Joy Jimenez

cManang Joy Jimenez


Nini Edurese Bilbao

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